Saturday, 19 March 2011

Japan Tsunami A Harbinger Of 2012

Despite many advancements and discoveries, man has been helpless in front of one thing- nature.

A classic example for that is the Tsunami- Earthquake in Japan. While I dread to think what would have been the impact if it had struck India given our lethargic and unprepared nature, it is the sheer impact which is raising a concern. This is giving rise to a big question- are we reaching the end of the world? Has the time come for the prophecy of world’s destruction in the year 2012 to become true? Is the incident at Japan a harbinger to what is to come the next year??

Well, if a country like Japan which is always on a ‘ready’ state given its earthquake prone geography is helplessly trying to emerge out of this crisis, what would be the situation if such a catastrophe were to strike at any other place. As it is, some unusual weather experiences like extreme snow in Europe, severe heat in tropical countries, excessive rainfall are symptoms of the imbalance in nature.

Practically, there are no two words that man has been responsible for the entire shake-up in the ecological equilibrium thanks to his unrelenting greed of money, power and commercial thinking. So here is an imperative rule, let us not forget the roots of our existence and the very fact that a human also comes from the chain of nature and if he tries to break free from it, Nature has its own way to react that will take centuries for the human race to recover. If Japan is a prelude of what is to come then it is time for all to gear up and face the eventual happening.
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